This website supports the following browsers.
Internet Explorer 8+
Firefox 3+
Opera 9.5+
Safari 3+
Google Chrome 1+
If you have any problems with our website please send us a bug report via our contact page. Although we officially don't support other browsers we still would like to hear of any difficulties you experience.
This website uses the following open source software for which we would like to thank their creators immensely for their efforts.
Joomla - Content management system
QContacts - Contact Manager
Eventlist - Events listing component
Eventlist Calendar Module - Calendar module for Eventslist
RSS Factory - News feed display
Overlib - Popup javascript library
Ultimate Fade-in Slideshow - Slideshow
Phoca Gallery - Image gallery with slideshow
SqueezeBox - Expandable Lightbox
JoomlaFCK - WYSIWYG Editor
Mootools - Compact Javascript framework
Ja-purity - Joomla template from Joomla Art
Apache - Web Server
MySQL - SQL Database
PHP - Hypertext preprocessor
This website was created by and is maintained by Andy Bruin from Knock Them Dead Productions (an entertainment term unrelated to this website). If you are interested in any aspects of this website or interested in having a website created for you please contact me via our contact page.