Vienna 2014 - New York 2015: Looking Backward & Looking Forward
On December 8th & 9th 2014, 158 Governments (including Australia) met in Vienna to discuss the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons.The agenda paid much attention to accidental nuclear war, probabilistic risk analysis, and to the global climatic consequences of large-scale nuclear war.
The official intergovernmental meeting was attended by over 1000 NGOs and diplomats and held in the same room as that in which the Treaty of Vienna that ended the Napoleonic wars had been negotiated in 1815. It was preceded by an ICAN conference attended by around 900 civil society representatives.
Daryl Le Cornu, John Hallam and Prof. Tilman Ruff (to be confirmed) and Tanya Oglivie-White, (to be confirmed) will discuss Vienna 2014 and New York 2015 at this wonderful event.
Time: 5-6.30pm, 27th February, 2015
Venue: Room 114 at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, Mackie Building K01, University of Sydney.
To RSVP please contact Prof. Peter King on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or John Hallam on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it