JULY9/10 2019
Even looked at through the narrow and limited focus of 'security discourse', it is clear to even the proverbial 'blind Freddie' that, with or without the US 'nuclear umbrella', an umbrella that is itself a security lability not a security asset, Australia having its own nuclear weapons, far from protecting us, would instantly make every Australian city a nuclear target.
Installations associated with an Australian nuclear weapons capability will immediately be targeted not just by China but by a number of governments – including possibly ones we now regard as friendly.
Reactions to an Australian acquisition of nuclear weapons – or even to a serious exploration of the topic – will resemble the hysterical and over-the-top reactions to North Korean nuclear and ICBM tests.
Australia would of course be unable to acquire nuclear weapons – or to initiate a program to acquire them – without abrogating the NPT, an action that would likely mean the end of the NPT.
The longer term consequences of our actions would help to create a world in which our neighbors would also acquire their own nuclear weapons. While the acquisition by Australia of nuclear weapons is often postulated as a consequence of our neighbors getting them, it is just as likely that our neighbors getting them will be the consequence of Australia getting them.
A nuclear – armed Australia has been the desire of a tiny clique of misguided security analysts whose recommendations to date have been widely and rightly regarded as loony. It is a road whose end is the complete and utter destruction of Australia as an organized society.
Instead of playing with an idea whose impact on Australian and global security will be profoundly negative, Australia should:
--Join, ratify, and urge other governments to ratify, the TPNW
--Take action in the forums of the NPT and UN First Committee to reduce immediate nuclear (war) risks, now as high as they have ever been since 1945.
Australia should be part of the solution not part of the problem.
John Hallam 0411-854-612
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