Australia's oldest disarmament group, People for Nuclear Disarmament has said Australia should be working for peace in the Middle East, rather than giving uncritical support for the state of Israel's military offensive in Gaza.
Australia's abstention at a recent UN General Assembly vote on the events in the Middle East was 'inexplicable'. The explanation given – that the resolution did not explicitly blame Hamas in its preamble – could and should have been dealt with in what is called an 'EoV' (Explanation of Vote).
Even more extraordinary is the recent statement by former prime ministers in favour of Israel. Paul Keating has made the right decision by refusing to sign a call for uncritical support for Israel.
According to PND spokesperson John Hallam,
“When I first heard of Hamas's actions, in kidnapping and killing Israeli civilians I was as shocked as anyone else. Even then however, it was clear that Israel's vengeance would vastly exceed anything Hamas would ever be capable of, and that Netanyahu would use the event to his own political advantage, which is exactly what he has done.”
“However, its clear that Israel's vengeance now vastly exceeds what Hamas has done and that the main victims are ordinary civilians who are completely uninvolved.”
“One set of barbarities – those of Hamas - are not somehow set tight by another set of barbarities that exceed those of Hamas by orders of magnitude. One round of killing will eventually lead to another round of killing which will lead to another. And the blood-lust of so much of the Old Testament will be revisited with modern weapons.”
“Australia has a role to play and it shouldn’t be that of an uncritical supporter of Israel. Australia COULD play the role of an honest broker who would seek a lasting solution that is just to all involved.”
“We call on Australia to negotiate a just and honest ceasefire and to stop the bombing and the bloodshed”
John Hallam
People for Nuclear Disarmament
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